Listeners share their thoughts on Joanne’s presentations:

“I`ve watched you presentation in the GAIN Brasil, March 27 and greatly appreciated it. Sequential evangelism makes all the sense. Thank you for providing us with excellent examples of how to implement it. As a SDA pastor I`ve done a doctoral dissertation about Internet Evangelism. Congratulations for rising up the number or people finishing IIW Bible Courses in New Zealand from 5-10% to 34%. A great achievement!!! Thanks for you LIFE and ministry, Some of your remarks made a positive impact on my life!”
“Good to know you and listen what u have to say! Was a pleasure to hear you. With sure I will start some projects in my local church to test some results! Hope that i can always get some information and new ideas with you and other people around the world that really believe what our mission is! Thank you again! Ty very much. U all impacted me so much. I very young yet, bit i want to make more people know jesus . ty for everything. Sometimes our culture is hard to change somethings, but its just a challenger. Ty for everything. My bigger desire is to work outside Brasil in different projects.”
Victor Diego Trivelato