Spotless by Shelley Quinn

Are you walking in covenant relationship with the lord? It is critical to know, because it is required for entrance into kingdom of god. hat does it mean top be saved by grace? Does god expect a reciprocal relationship of covenant love abd loyalty from his redeemed people? What role does God’s grace play in his salvation covenant, and what is your role in accepting it.
Spotless deals with those and other significant questions. Best known for her solid biblical teaching. Shelly Quinn shares the greatest story ever told!dialing in an infinity focus, She takes you on a journey from Genesis to revelation to see how God progressively unfolded the story of Messiah and his mission.
Be prepared for many “aha” moments, particularly as an intimate potrait of Jesus Christ-the spotless lamb of god -is unvieled through increased understanding of God’s covenant language. You will stand in holy wonder of Jesus!
The eye opening story of spotless is the end time message of rigtheousness by faith that will stir your heart and enrich your life. God has provided a way for you to enjoy eternal life with him. The choice is yours will you accept his love and live in covenant realtiohsip with him, or will you reject his will and choose your own path.

The Story of Jesus

The Story of Jesus is a wonderful resource to share the story of the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Read the story, and Bible quotes, and colour in the beautiful illustrations.  This book has been distributed over the world and has been enjoyed in private homes, churches, schools and prisons.  It is also a wonderful ESOL resource when teaching English as a second language.  Colouring books are relaxing and enjoyable for every age!

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