
You obviously believe that God exists, so give me your best evidence of God.


The best evidence I have for God, is the fact that I am not the person I used to be. I was a great sinner, an addict, incredibly selfish and arrogant, and God has taken my addictions from me, and revealed Himself to me. I personally have been spoken to by God, and have witnessed many things that cannot be explained by human minds, it could only have been supernatural intervention by God. So I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that God not only exists, and that heaven is His home, but also that He loves every human being, and is trying to save us from this miserable and violent planet, to live with Him forever in a perfect place, in the dwellings prepared for us in the New Jerusalem in heaven. For an unbeliever, this kind of talk may sound crazy, but for the committed Christian, it is the thing that makes the most sense, and which we look forward to with everything in us. For me, the biggest proof that God exists, is the way my life has been changed by Him.

If you believed that the Bible was the Word of God, you would find in it many proofs of God’s existence, even though the Bible doesn’t try to prove anything, it just accepts the fact of God’s everlasting existence, and starts out with God’s creation of the earth and everything in it. In the same way, it doesn’t try to prove heaven, it just calls heaven God’s home, and the place where dwellings for His followers are being prepared for us at the moment.

The Bible says that there is sufficient evidence in nature to prove God’s existence, but that most of humanity refuse to admit it (See Romans 1:20 below). Jesus performed the most amazing miracles, which should have been enough evidence that He was the Messiah, but most of the religious leaders, the ones who knew Scripture the best, refused to believe where the evidence led them. And so the Messiah was rejected by Israel, yet Jesus fitted every prophecy that had been made about Him, and proved God’s existence by all the miracles that He performed. Miracles in Jesus’ time did not “prove” to people that He was the One sent by God, and miracles now, will have the same result. God created each one of us with the power of free choice, and our choices will one day determine whether we are saved or lost. God forces nobody, just honours our choices. In the same way, we cannot force God to do our will, but rather we should let His will be done in our lives.

Romans 1:20   For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse …

If you really want proof of God’s existence, just speak to Him and ask Him to prove Himself to you. But you must be serious about it, not just doing it for fun, because then nothing will happen. Challenge God to reveal Himself to you, and He just might do it.

Jeremiah 29:13   “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

I trust that this makes sense to you. God bless!

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