
How do you have your daily devotionals?


My daily devotions start very early in the morning. I ask God at night to wake me up according to His will, and He does. Sometimes it is very early, but I find that it is necessary for me to spend more time in prayer on those days. As I start to pray, I ask God to surround me with Himself, to keep the devil away from giving me wandering thoughts and influencing me with thoughts that he puts in my head. This is a special time just between God and me, in the quiet of the night, and I want no interference. My aim with prayer is to get as close to God as possible, to seek His will for my life, and to get to know Him better every day. I pour my heart out to Him, telling Him everything that is important in my life. I praise Him for His wonderful love, patience with me, constant forgiveness, and His mercy, and thank Him for all the answered prayers, His care over me and my family. And then I pray for salvation for all of those that I know, starting with my family. I know that God wants no-one to be lost, so praying as an intercessor is 100% in His will, which gives me the courage to pray for even those who society want to lock up and throw the keys away. I spend at least an hour every morning in prayer, and mostly a lot more, until the peace of God that passes all under-standing, comes over me.

Then I spend about half an hour in the Bible, asking the Holy Spirit to lead me, teach me more about God’s character, and show me His will through the Scriptures. I read four chapters, two in the Old Testament, from two different books, one in the New Testament from Acts to Revelation, and one from the Gospels. So, I read about the life of Jesus every morning, and cover the rest of the Bible over a period of time. This is God’s opportunity to talk to me, to give me directions for the day, to answer questions that I have, and to show Himself to me. The whole devotional time is a two-way communication, first me talking to God, and then Him talking to me. 

If I have time left over, I just ponder what I have read, giving God time to impress special things in my mind. This Bible meditation is important, although it does not happen every day. Bible study for answering the many questions that need to be addressed, happens through the day, and I learn constantly as I ask God to show me what every person needs in their answer.

And then, throughout the day, I keep in touch with God, asking Him to show me His will, asking for wisdom, asking for forgiveness when I crash and burn. And then I take His hand again, and walk with Him. Of course, some days the devil manages to distract me, cause me to let go of His hand, and then things don’t work out as they should, but He is always merciful, forgiving and loving towards His children.

This time of prayer, Bible study and meditation took many years to figure out, so don’t think it can be implemented in a few weeks. There are many obstacles that the devil will put in your way, because he hates to see God’s children on their knees. But don’t get discouraged, it is worth it in the end, and it does change your life. And what I have written here is the ideal, many days it does not work out as I describe, as my own will and desires overrule God’s will, but when I realise my mistake, I go back to Him with repentance, and He always forgives and leads me on.

God bless as you work on your own special way of devotions with God!

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